Unconscious is a "savoir insu" (knowledge unknown)
to the analysand which at the end of the analytic experience
may become a "savoir" (knowledge), provided it is
transmissible. A knowledge can exist only if there is transmission.
The unconscious is therefore a digest of solutions devised by
the subject confronted with the defect of knowledge and the
"facelessness" to the Other.
Transference -
the standpoint of the ethics of the experience, transference is
conceived as a device which conditions the (re)commencement of
the analytic experience. The stakes are thus the production of
a knowledge that constitutes the unconscious in response to the
"pas de rapport" (no relation), where all else fails.
It supposes a setting in place of the desire of knowledge.
modalities of what is insistent in the unconscious open onto the
experience of repetition : that of the repetition of the
signifier and that of the return of jouissance. Clinical experience
has shown that what is unrepresentable in the signifier is insistent
in a real that "ne cesse pas de ne pas s�écrire"
(never ceases not to be written). The structure of this repetition
introduces the question of the verity of the symptom.