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>[See also Activités et Événements 2024-2025 de l'École freudienne du Québec]

>[Current events]

>[Reading Notes]







Training Seminar
in Psychoanalysis
Second Year


June 2-5, 2025

The Training Seminar will be held at:

Palais Montcalm (room Youville)
995, Place d'Youville
Quebec City (Quebec)

Canada G1R 3P1

No virtual participation will be available

Cost: 875$US (1255$CAN) for the week

Clinical Cases Seminar
in Psychoanalysis

June 2-5, 2025

The Clinical Cases Seminar will be held at:

342, boul. René-Lévesque ouest
Quebec City (Quebec)

Canada, G1S 1R9
Palais Montcalm (room Youville)
995, Place d'Youville
Quebec City (Québec)

Canada G1R 3P1

No virtual participation will be available

Cost:875$US (1255$CAN) for the week

Annual Days of the École freudienne du Québec
June 7-8, 2024

Cost : 200$
(These days are reserved for members of the School,
members of Circles and active collaborators in Circles)

These days will be attended with no virtual participation.


[program soon]

Training Seminar
in Lacanian Psychoanalysis
(closed - no empty place)

June 3-6, 2024

The Training Seminar will be held at:

Palais Montcalm (room Youville)
995, Place d'Youville
Quebec City (Quebec)

Canada G1R 3P1

No virtual participation will be available

Cost: 850$US for the week

Clinical Cases Seminar
in Lacanian Psychoanalysis

(closed - no empty place)

June 3-6, 2024

The Clinical Cases Seminar will be held at:

342, boul. René-Lévesque ouest
Quebec City (Quebec)

Canada, G1S 1R9
Palais Montcalm (room Youville)
995, Place d'Youville
Quebec City (Québec)

Canada G1R 3P1

No virtual participation will be available

Cost: 850$US for the week

Journées intercercles
February 9-10, 2024

La puberté et l'adolescence
Puberty and Adolescence

Palais Montcalm
Québec, Québec

Cost : 150$



Important Information: To receive useful instructions for an invitation on Zoom and Cartel reports, it is important to register before Wednesday June 7th.



- restricted quantity-


Journées intercercles
January 27-28, 2023

La traversée de la castration, la responsabilité de la féminité

Coût de participation : 150$


Clinical Cases Seminar in Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Twenty-First Year

May 30-31, June 1-2, 2022

[Information and registration]

Because of the pandemic,
there will be no Training Seminar this year - 2022

Journées intercercles
February, 11-12, 2022

L'enjeu de la deuxième enfance dans le rapport de l'enfant aux parents
C'est quoi l'objet du refoulement?

L'enjeu de la puberté dans le rapport à la société
C'est quoi l'objet du refoulement?

Coût de participation : 150$


[Voir le programme]

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association

"A Colloquium in New York"
Psychosis and the Social Link


Le traitement psychanalytique des psychoses

Conférenciers invités : Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergeron, Lucie Cantin
psychanalystes au Gifric

The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychosis at the 388 :
The Results of the Last 37 Years

Willy Apollon

The Frame of the Psychoanalytic Treatment
Sustains the Subject in the Analysis

Danielle Bergeron

The Team's Accompaniment to Each Logical Stage of an Analysis
Lucie Cantin

[consulter l'argument de la conférence]

Friday, November 1, 2019
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.


Présentations de cas cliniques par les participants
et enseignement
par les psychanalystes du Gifric

Saturday, November 2, 2019
10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Présentations de cas cliniques
par les analystes d'Après-Coup

Sunday, November 3, 2019
10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

School of Visual Arts
136 West 21st Street
Ask for the Room Number at the Front Desk

On-line registration

Regular : | 2 days ($250) | 1 day ($150$) |

Student : | 2 days ($150) | 1 day ($80) |

Journnées cliniques et intercercles
"Le langage et la castration symbolique"

9 et 10 février 2018
Hôtel Gouverneur
Salle Gouverneur 1-2-3
1415, rue Saint-Hubert
Montréal (Québec)

Coût de participation : 150$

Inscription en ligne

Clinical Days in Toronto
November 30, December 1-2, 2017

Friday 12/1/17 and Saturday 12/2/17
9am - 5pm
Women’s Art Association of Canada
23 Prince Arthur Avenue
Toronto, ON. M5R 1B2


[Click here for donations]

Help Haitian students participate in the colloquium “Representations of Mental Illness in Haiti.” Your gift will defray registration fees as well as the cost of meals for students. The entirety of the donations will go to the responsible party at the university who will organize financing for students.

Dr. Willy Apollon, psychoanalyst and philosopher, will give the opening and closing talks. Ms Lucie Cantin, psychoanalyst and psychologist, and Dr. Danielle Bergeron, psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, will give workshops in the afternoons on the themes of “adolescence and femininity” and “adolescence and masculinity.”

The colloquium will take place in a number of conference rooms with simultaneous presentations by professionals and specialists both from Haiti and abroad.

Thank you for your generosity!

[more information - in french]


Artwork by Nikeeta Shah

[more information]

The Chicago Psychoanalytic Circle invites you to a public lecture
and two-day clinical conference

Problems of the Feminine in the Treatment of Psychotic Women

To Welcome the Feminine in the Treatment of Psychosis
Willy Apollon,
Psychoanalyst and philosophy doctor

Feminine psychosis, the construction of a world that makes the address possible
Danielle Bergeron
Psychoanalyst and psychiatrist

The Future of the Thing
in the Feminine and in Psychosis

Lucie Cantin
Psychoanalyst and psychologist

Free and open to the public


Friday October 9 & Saturday, October 10, 2015
Two Clinical Days: Case Presentations with Teaching by the Analysts

at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology
325 N. Wells St.Chicago
Conference room 412 - 4th Floor

early registration by 9/15/15 : 225$

Head Office

342 boul. René-Lévesque ouest
Quebec City (Que), Canada
G1S 1R9

(mars 2019)

(with english texts from Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergeron and Lucie Cantin)
(june 2017)

Now avalaible
Éditions du Gifric

The movie "The 388"

French Version
With English Subtitles

and written by

Anne-Laure Teichet

First shown at the Festival des Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois 2009. Finalist for the Pierre et Yolande Perrault/Best Hopeful for Documentary award

Le Nouvelliste
Des nouvelles quotidiennes d'Haïti
Fondé en 1898, c'est le plus ancien journal francophone des Amériques. "De tendance centre droit, il s'attache à cultiver un amour profond pour Haïti et n'a jamais donné son appui à aucun parti politique", précise son directeur, Frantz Duval.

The Project for Restructuration
of Regional Markets
in Haiti

After Lacan
Clinical Practice
and the Subject of the Unconscious
Willy Apollon
Danielle Bergeron
Lucie Cantin
2002 - 198 p.

Suny Press

In our bookstore