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Fourhth Year
The Clinic of the Symptom


First Year
Objectives of the Analysis
and Clinical Aspects of Psychoanalytic Concepts

Second Year
Objectives of the Analysis
and Clinical Aspects of Psychoanalytic Concepts

Third Year
The Dream

Fourhth Year
Clinic of the Symptom

Fifth Year
Clinic of the Fantasy

Sixth Year
Clinical Strategies and
the Different Psychical Structures


Information and registration

The psychoanalytic symptom has a meaning and a fantasy is subjacent to it, Freud teaches us in speaking of the obsessional�s ritual or the hysteric�s conversion. For Lacan, the symptom is the bodily metaphor of the fantasy.

This year we will be adressing the clinic of the symptom to the extent that the symptom is the formal writing of a real from which the fantasy organizing the subject�s life may be deduced.

- The symptom And Its Function -

Why, at one point, does the dream not suffice to sustain what is insisting within repression? The dream as a chain of representations fails to support the return of the repressed, hence anxiety and symptom. In anxiety, the subject is faced with a jouissance unable to be represented. As for the symptom, it is the writing in the social link of the jouissance resisting repression.

- The Writing of the Symptom -

With the symptom, interpretation meets its limits because interpretation falls within the logic of the signifier. The symptom carries with it a dimension, irreducible using the logic of the signifier, that assumes the form of the writing of something else. In the treatment, how is interpretation stymied by the letter? And what about the bodily dimension thus put at stake by the symptom?

- The Symptom As a Metaphor -

The symptom introduces a formalism of writing. How, from the formal envelope of the symptom, can we deduce the fantasy of which the symptom is the bodily metaphor? Providing formal consistency to what the signifier fails to represent, the letter of the symptom carves out the furrows of the fantasy.

- The Man�uvre -

In the treatment of the real at stake in the symptom, the analyst�s man�uvre is what operates the Freudian "pass" from the symptom to the fantasy. As Freud teaches, analysis organizes the treatment of the symptom by freeing up the rigorous modeling of which the symptom is the writing. What then appears is a formulation that calculates the subject�s singular relation to the irreducible that the writing of the symptom misses.

Groupe interdisciplinaire freudien de recherche et d'intervention clinique et culturelle

342, boul. René-Lévesque ouest,Québec, Qc, Canada,G1S 1R9