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Le Cercle de Boston

Activities for 2012-2013


Invite you for an evening presentation and discussion

Listening for the Unconscious:
The Lacanian Psychoanalytic Experience

Thursday, February 28, 2013,
6:15 pm to 8:30 pm
to be held at Lesley University,
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Sherrill Library,
99 Brattle Street, room 350
Cambridge, Massachusetts

This conference is open to clinicians, students, academics, scholars, artists and others with an interest in Freud and Lacanian psychoanalysis.

5:30 pm: Reception with light snack, Sherrill Library, room 350
8:30pm - 9:30pm: Wine and cheese reception at Washburn Lounge, 10 Phillips Place, Cambridge, MA

to RSVP please contact Beth at echambe5@lesley.edu


1) What is an analytic act?
2) What is a mental representation, and how do we listen for it?
3) What is the unconscious for Lacan?


Willy Apollon, Ph.D., psychoanalyst
Danielle Bergeron, M.D., psychoanalyst
Lucie Cantin, M.Ps., psychoanalyst

The speakers are Teaching Analysts at GIFRIC and its school, the Freudian School of Qu�bec

Two Clinical Days

with clinical presentations by members
of the Psychoanalytic Circles of the
Freudian School of Québec combined with teaching and discussion led by GIFRIC teaching
analysts Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergeron, and Lucie Cantin.

Friday, March 1, 2013
8:15 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, March 2, 2013
8:30 am - 5:00 pm


1) How does the unconscious rupture the ego narrative?
2) How do we recognize manifestations of the unconscious?
3) What is transference for Lacan?

GIFRIC (The Interdisciplinary Freudian Group for Research and Clinical and Cultural Interventions) received the Hans W. Loewald Memorial Award in recognition of its contribution to psychoanalytic theory, history, and application, most notably concerning the development of the psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis. This award was presented to GIFRIC in 2004 by the International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education (IFPE).

Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergeron and Lucie Cantin are co-authors of Traiter la psychose (1990), published by GIFRIC (in French and translated in Spanish), and After Lacan: Clinical practice and the subject of the unconscious (2002), SUNY Press. Open to the Public, Free of Charge

For further information please contact either:

Beth Chambers, Conference Administrator,
Lesley University,

Laura Gurevich, Ph.D.,
Boston Circle of the Freudian School of Quebec,

See our event website for CE/CEU updates and information about the related conference on March 1-2, 2013.



Willy Apollon, Ph.D. Psychoanalyst at GIFRIC and Philosopher (Paris, Sorbonne). He is a Supervising Analyst and an Analyst Consultant at The 388, the Psychoanalytic Treatment Center for Young Adult Psychotics. He is the Past President and founder of GIFRIC, as well as the person responsible for research at the Center for Research and Training of GIFRIC. He is the Director of the Psychoanalytic Center for the Family, leads a control seminar for the training of the analysts, and leads a seminar on mondialisation and psychoanalysis that takes place in Montreal and Quebec City. He is the author of La Diff�rence sexuelle au risque de la parent�, Psychoses: l�offre de l�analyste, and L�Universel, perspectives psychanalytiques, published by GIFRIC. He has contributed to over thirty works and published more than one hundred articles in Qu�bec and international journals on the topics of psychosis, the formation of analyst, the psychoanalytic clinic, perversion, aesthetics, family, and the analysis of cultural, social and political practices.

Danielle Bergeron, M.D. Psychoanalyst at GIFRIC and psychiatrist. She is Director of the 388, the Psychoanalytic Treatment Center for Young Adult Psychotics. She is a Supervising Analyst and is responsible for the teaching at the GIFRIC Center for Research and Training. She also leads a Control Seminar and a Training Seminar in Short Term Analytic Treatment. An Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Laval University, she also teaches Psychoanalytic Concepts and is the Supervisor of a Fellowship Program at the 388 for psychiatrists. She has been named Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and she has published articles on several different themes: psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis and neurosis, ethical questions and their impacts on humanity, the analyst facing aesthetics, art and the Thing, femininity, science, and psychoanalysis.

Lucie Cantin, M.Ps. Psychoanalyst at GIFRIC and psychologist. She is a Supervising Analyst and Codirector of training at GIFRIC as well as the Supervisor for internships in the Doctoral Program in Psychology at the University of Qu�bec at Trois-Rivi�res. Since it�s foundation in 1982, she has been the Assistant Director of The 388, Psychoanalytic Treatment Center for Young Adult Psychotics; and, since October 2011, she has been Chief of the Program of the 388 for the Center for Health and Social Services in the Old Capital (historic Qu�bec City). She is responsible for publication and training at the Center for Research and Training of GIFRIC, Editor of Savoir: Journal of Psychoanalysis and Cultural Analysis, and Vice-President of GIFRIC. She has published widely on themes including psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis, the clinic of neurosis, mysticism, femininity, masculinity, and perversion.


Apollon W., Bergeron, D., & Cantin, L. (2002). After Lacan: Clinical practice and the subject of the unconscious. R. Hughes & K. R. Malone (Eds.). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Lacan, J. (2007). The Freudian thing or the meaning of the return to Freud in Psychoanalysis. In B. Fink (Trans.), �crits: The first complete edition in English (pp. 334-363). New York, NY: W.W. Norton. (Original work published 1955)

Lacan, J. (2007). The subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire in the Freudian unconscious. In B. Fink (Trans.), �crits: The first complete edition in English (pp. 671- 702). New York, NY: W.W. Norton. (Original work published 1960)

Activities for 2007-2008

The Lacanian Psychoanalytic Experience:
Two Clinical Days

December 7-8, 2007
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Gutman Conference Center, Gutman Library, 6 Appian Way
Cambridge MA 02138

With clinical, scholarly, and aesthetic presentation by members of the Psychoanalytic Circles of the Freudian School of Québec combined with teaching and discussion led by GIFRIC teaching analysts Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergeron and Lucie Cantin.

The clinical conference is open to clinicians, scholars, and artists with an interest in Freud and Lacanian psychoanalysis.

Learning Objectives:

1) Distinguish between the unconscious and the not conscious;

2) Describe how the unconscious ruptures the ego narrative and, in doing so, introduces another logic that is related to the dream and its savoir or knowing;

3) Distinguish between the affective transference and the transference as love of savoir coming from the unconscious.

All of these objectives will be illustrated via clinical, aesthetic, and/or scholarly presentations

Draft of schedule for Decembre 7-8, 2007

Friday December 7 - 8:15 am - 4 pm

8:15 - Registration

8:45 - Welcoming

9:00 - Introduction to the Format of the Case Presentation :
Meg Turner, Boston Psychoanalytic Circle

9:30 - Case Presentation and Discussion:
Charles Turk, Chicago Psychoanalytic Circle

10:30 - Break

11:00 - Case Presentation and Discussion:
Pierre Johannet, Boston Psychoanalytic Circle

12:00 - Lunch

2:00 -Case Presentation and Discussion:
Christopher Meyer, California Psychoanalytic Circle

3:00 - Teaching by
Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergergon, Lucie Cantin
and General Discussion

Friday Evening

7:00 What is a Lacanian Psychoanalysis?

Saturday Decembre 7 - 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

8:30 - Coffee and Pastries

9:00 - Case Presentation and Discussion
Lisa Llanas Hagberg, Boston Psychoanalytic Circle

10:00 - Case Presentation and Discussion (tba)

11:00 - Break

11:30 - Scholarly Presentation and Discussion:
“Even the dead will not be safe: Lacan, Antigone, and the War against the Nonliving"
Steven Miller, Department of English, Suny-Buffalo

12:30 Lunch

2:30 - Aesthetics and Lacanian Psychoanalysis:
“Out of the Blue: A reader’s theatre of a work of fiction”
Annie G. Rogers, Boston Psychoanalytic Circle, with Hampshire College Students
Discussants: Rolf Flor, and Steven Miller

4:00 - Teaching by
Willy Apollon, Danielle Bergergon, Lucie Cantin
and General Discussion

Saturday Evening

7:30 Dinner at a local restaurant for everyone who can attend

Workshop Registration

$225 general (if postmarked by November 15, 2007)
$250 general (if postmarked after November 15, 2007)
$100 non-HGSE students and free of charge to all members of the HGSE community
Cancellation policy: full refund for cancellation postmarked by November 15, 2007

Make check payable to Boston Psychoanalytic Circle, and mail with this form (registration form) to:

Boston Psychoanalytic Circle
P.O. Box 382088
Cambridge, MA 02238

For further information please contact either:

Laura Gurevich, Ph.D.: 857.998.0413
Meg Turner, Ph.D.: 617.868.3727

Continuing Education:
Physicians: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the essential Areas Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorphip of the American Psychoanalytic Association and the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians and takes responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of this CME activity. The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this educational activity for a maximum of 10.5 hours in Category 1 credit toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those hours of credit he/she actually spent in the educational activity. Disclosure information is on record indicating participatin faculty members have no significant financial relationship to disclose.
Psychologists: The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This program offers 10.5 CE credits for Psychologists.
Social Work: The Boston Psychonalytic Circle of the Freudian School of Québec has submitted an application to the Collaborative of the NASW and the Boston College and Simmons School of Social Work for 10.5 CE credits. Please contact Laura Gurevich, Ph.D (857.998.0413) for an update as to the status of the application;**
Licensed Mental Health Counselors: The Boston Psychoanalytic Circle of the Freudian School of Québec has submitted an application to the MMCEP for 10.5 CE credits. Please contact Laura Gurevich, Ph.D (857.998.0413) for an update as to the status of the application;**
** Although most states recognize CE credits from Massachusetts, attendees should check with their local licensing body to confirm eligibility.

Groupe interdisciplinaire freudien de recherche et d'intervention clinique et culturelle

342, boul. René-Lévesque ouest,Québec, Qc, Canada,G1S 1R9